

Your summer and winter vacations are a great time to relax, but your should also use this extended period of undirected activity towards consolidating what you covered in the previous semester.

Below are some tips for optimizing the way you can use your vacation time.


  • Review: Use your summer break to review the key information delivered during your classes in the previous semseter.

    Sometimes the class information flows so fast that there is no time to review and consolidate. Vacation time is a perfect opportunity to refresh the lesson content.
  • Condense: Condense your notes into a Word document. Some of this informatio will be useful throughout your career.
  • Refresh: Don't let the class information disappear from your memory. Make it a part of your permanent academic knowledge for life!
  • Practice: Assign a few hours every day to practicing your instrument, and frequently go over the repertoire covered in all previous semesters.
  • Select: Be selective about the mountain of information your received. Each class should provide a handful of important take-aways.
  • AdminTake care of business, whether it's a summer job, performing administrative or maintenance tasks, or just keeping fit and healthy.


Set goals on the first day of vacation. Try to continue the disciplined life style that college has imposed on you. This is an important life lesson for musicians who are often free-lancers and have to shape their own day.


Final Advice

Finally, let's remember the importance of daily, sustained focus on the courses you are taking. Here is an inspirational quote:

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today"
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Life's Little Instruction Book